Alternative Adapted Reflex Therapy Specialist

Chartered Physiotherapist and Adapted Reflextherapy Specialist combating pain in acute and chronic musculo-skeletal conditions

Gunnel wishes to share her clinical experience of developing alternative ways of treating musculo-skeletal pain including whiplash.
She wishes to expand on the hypothesis of ‘neural adaptations’ and the theory of ‘counter-irritability’ in painful conditions.
Having worked in both private and NHS settings, Gunnel has acquired considerable knowledge from clinical observations.
AdRx Specialist
Adapted Reflextherapy (AdRx) was developed by Gunnel Berry combining medical and reflexology expertise.
It is a treatment that has been in use for two decades helping patients who suffer from musculo-skeletal symptoms by facilitating changes in levels of pain, irritability and hypersensitivity after injury and other unexplained discomforts.

It's all about changing the way we approach treating pain
Gunnel has recently presented papers and courses in:
Australia, China, Greece, Netherlands, United Kingdom and USA
on the hypothesis of neural adaptations and nervous system irritability.
Based on clinical observations and outcomes she wishes to share and compare her experience with other practitioners in the same field.
Adapted Reflextherapy, AdRx, arouse from theoretical interpretations of pain production and clinical observation treating patients in severe pain and with high irritability. It was found that symptoms from a whiplash injury were reduced by treating patient's feet, chronic pain patients were relieved of symptoms which they had endured for years and spinal mobility improved after only one or two treatments.
As demands on physiotherapy services in the NHS required short treatments sessions, AdRx became a therapy of choice to treat patients with musculo-skeletal pains especially those with high hypersensitivity after injury. AdRx has high task specificity and suggests a hypothesis based on neurophysiological events after injury. It combines neurophysiology, psychoneuroimmune (PNI) and theory of compromised neuroplasticity as a basis for pain where the therapy acts as a ‘counter-irritant’ to existing pain production.

Gunnel was awarded a Diploma of Physiotherapy at the Middlesex Hospital, London in the early 1970’s. Later in 1995 she gained a MSc degree in Advanced Physiotherapy at University College London, shortly after having qualified as a reflexologist in 1989 at the Bayly School of Reflexology.
Set up by a group of physiotherapists in 1992 she became a member of a CIG (Clinical Interest Group) known as the Association of Chartered Physiotherapist in Reflex Therapy, ACPIRT. This association further encouraged Gunnel to relate reflexology and reflex therapy in clinical work.
Gunnel was awarded a PostgradCert in Research Methods at the University of Brighton in 2009; she is a Chartered Physiotherapist in Sweden and was awarded the title of Clinical Specialist in Pain by the NHS in 1998.